Monday, September 14, 2009

Week Three of HGP

This week is the Entry/Foyer.  My foyer is pretty small and I had worked on it back in August so it's in pretty good shape.  On Sunday I just had to sweep and mop the floor and shake out the small rug.  Then I put up my fall decorations. I also decorated my living room.  Things are looking pretty good. I promise this week I am going to post pictures. 

Not everyone at MHH has a foyer so they are taking this week to work on other areas of the home or plan holiday events, do crafting and such. That's what I like about this group, you can work at your own pace. Make the plan in a way that suits your needs.

1 comment:

The Old Parsonage said...

I'm right there with you, this is a great group!

Enjoy your weekend!